Is there a phone number I can call for customer service?
We do not have a dedicated business number. Our office hours are 7am to 2pm PST, Monday to Friday, excluding Canadian holidays. We recommend you contact us by email at It is the most efficient way of resolving customer service matters. Please include your transaction ID, tracking # and any details on your inquiry, with your email. You will be contacted by our customer service team within one business day.
Why do I have to provide photo identification to place an order?
In order to prevent mail fraud/abuse/potential liability issues, your photo identification is required. We need to verify that you are 19+ in Canada and 21+ in the United States / Internationally. You will also have to verify your shipping address within the identification. If the shipping address does not match your identification, please contact us to verify your address through the means of emailing us alternative proof of address.
Do I need to create an account membership to place an order?
No, you do not need to create a membership account to place an order. Although, we recommend signing up with us for email promotions and discounts.
What methods of payment can I use?
All orders can be paid with Bitcoin (BTC) which we will process manually. We will provide instruction(s) during checkout and in your order invoice email.
For our Canadian residents only, Interac EMT bank transfer is also accepted during checkout. All Prices listed on is in CANADIAN CURRENCY (CAD)
When will my order be shipped?
If we complete all of the following before 1pm PST, then your order will be process and dropped off for shipment the same business day:
- confirm we have received your full payment,
- ensure no order errors: name / address / product,
- pack your order,
- hand your order to a different department that double-checks the order contents are correct before we ship it out.
For example, you pay on Monday at 12:45 pm PST, but we do NOT confirm your payment until after 1pm (on Monday), it will be shipped on the next business day, in this case, it will be Tuesday afternoon.
Does Research Chemical Supply offer promotions?
Yes, we periodically have sales. You can find our current promotions by signing up with us and becoming a member with RCS.
Do you offer Bulk pricing and discounts for larger quantities NOT listed on our site?
In most cases we do, if the order is more than $1,500 CAD or more depends on the product(s). Please email with the subject title: Bulk Order Inquiry to
How do I cancel an order after mistakenly checking out?
Find your Order# & email us if you want to cancel. We will only cancel the order if there was no payment received or if we haven’t processed the order for shipment. We do not offer a full refund
To find your Order#:
- check your email. The invoice is emailed to you, or
- while logged in, click “My Account”, “Billing” to view your invoices
What is the company's refund policy?
Currently, we do not offer refunds. We do offer re-shipping (if it has tracking # and signature requirement within a Canadian shipping address), on a case by case basis. For any order shipped by regular mail, we do not offer reshipping or store credit. For more information, please see our Shipping Policy
How do I stay updated with the company?
Subscribe and become a member with Research Chemical Supply.
Do you deliver to PO Boxes?
Yes, only by regular mail or Xpresspost.
Note: FedEx and Purolator will NOT deliver to PO Boxes
What are the best shipping options?
We highly recommend having tracked shipping. All tracked shipping options have defaulted to the signature required. Any request for no signature will void our reshipping policy.
1. Canada: Xpresspost or Purolator or FedEx
2. USA: Xpresspost (Limited availability and upon request)
3. International: Registered Mail
4. Regular mail is a non-tracked but very discreet shipping option available for all Canadian, US, and international orders. Keep in mind that this will void our reshipping policy.
In most cases, with tracked shipping, we can offer re-shipping/store credit; but NOT with regular letter mail. For more information, please see our Shipping Policy
For a limited time, we offer FREE tracked shipping with any order $200 (before taxes and shipping) for our Canadian clients. For more information, please see our Shipping Policy
What countries do we ship to?
We will ship globally. Please be advised that you, (the customer) will be responsible to clear any product through Customs. Most US States have regional/state restrictions and individual product restrictions.
We will not ship any know Scheduled items under the US Controlled Substances Act. Check your Federal and State legislation before placing an order with us.
Disclaimer: Research Chemical Supply (RCS) will not be responsible for any legal or financial losses, damages, or claims arising from events with the recommendations provided. Our list of restricted territories is a guideline and as stated in our terms and conditions; the onus is on you (the customer) to verify any legal restrictions with respect to your shipping address.